Bound Warrior, Bird of Paradise, and Split Handstand 9-5-2016

A few poses from last weeks 'core work' sequence...
  • 'Bound Warrior' - Start from Warrior II, once you have the hands bound behind you, lift the torso off of the leg. 
  • 'Bird of Paradise' - The best way to enter this posture is from 'Bound Warrior'. Once you have the arm bind through the left leg, step the right foot closer, pick one point to gaze for extra balance, go slow. 
  • 'Split Handstand' - One of my favorite postures. I entered this from standing forward fold, lean forward, stack the arms, breathe, practice, repeat! 
Handstands took me about 6 years to do anytime, anywhere, and from a forward folding press (no jumping and no wall assist). If you wish you learn handstands, you can read about it and watch videos all day but my buddy Clement P. gave me the best advice 'practice over and over again'! Get to it!

Before attempting any of these poses make sure you are warmed up and please go very slowly into each one of these. If you have any knee issues you should pass on these.

What do you think? Leave a comment! Thanks for the support.
