Houston Yoga - Discovery Green Hatha and Raja Yoga - Yoga at the Park 8-5-2017
Yoga Sutra 3.6: Thus far, we have practiced holding the mind still on the chosen content of meditation. If one applies Samaya (concentration, meditation, and Samadhi) on anything, one comes to find the deepest truth. This is intense focus without distraction, where everything else fades away and only the object is known by consciousness.
Applying the Sutra: Since the practice is to hold the mind steady, I can recommend you take up drawing or some type of art. Make your art simple and readily available, concentrate on the details and cultivate the experience of steady focus. Set a timer for your art, 15-45 minutes a few times a week. Do not worry about the result of the art, but instead remember the act of fixing the mind.
Applying the Sutra: Since the practice is to hold the mind steady, I can recommend you take up drawing or some type of art. Make your art simple and readily available, concentrate on the details and cultivate the experience of steady focus. Set a timer for your art, 15-45 minutes a few times a week. Do not worry about the result of the art, but instead remember the act of fixing the mind.
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